Pull-down bootstrap breaks for tablet version but works for phone version

The default breakpoint in bootstrap is 767px, but I need to break it by 980px for the dropdown menu to show for screens below 981px screens.

The current script works fine (in some way with the default bootstrap behavior) for screens no larger than 768px.

I want to add the same phone nav

, in my opinion, up to 980px of the screen. but it breaks for the tablet version.

The main problems are that it does not add a vertical scrollbar as is the case with the phone version, as a result I see scrolling down to other menu items if the menu is larger than the screen size.

JSbin example and screenshot captured in my case



for screens smaller than 768 pixels enter image description hereFor screens between 768px - 980px enter image description here

NO SCROLL BAR SHOWS UP for version 786px - 980px.


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1 answer

Try this media query in your css.

@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width : 980px){
    overflow-y: auto !important;




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