MVC: binding CKEditor textbox value to model

I selected CKEditor as the Rich Text Editor component for my ASP.Net MVC project.

For Rich Text Editor rendering, this is not a problem (quite simple):

@Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.MessageDiffusion.Message, new { @id = idRichTextEditor })

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // Rich Text Editor (CKEditor) Configuration 
            idRichTextEditor, {
                language: 'fr'


What is he doing:

RichTextArea correctly rendering my Model.MessageDiffusion.Message property

My problem is with sending data. If I change the message to: "New message" I still get "Old message" in my message:

The controller's HttpPost action

I mean the viewModel will have a property message that will contain "Old message" instead of "New message". I tried to do the following just before the message (onBegin):





$ ('# idRichTextEditor') Shaft (CKEDITOR.instances ["idRichTextEditor"] GetData ().);

Which didn't help ... I also tried:

for (var instanceName in CKEDITOR.instances) {


But I can't seem to link the CKEditor textarea to my model. I would like to say that if I turn this rich text area into a general text area, I can easily get a "New Message" on the controller side.

I would like to state that, despite being interesting and related to my problem, the following stackoverflow discussions did not help me much:

CKEditor MVC 3 Implementation Help Needed

CKEditor and ASP.Net MVC 3 Required Attribute

I believe that the problem may be related to the fact that

setting data in CKEditor is an asynchronous operation, val ('some data') will return a jQuery Promise object if any of the elements is an editor. You can use it with jQuery helpers: $ .when ($ ('#editor'). Val ('foo')). then (function () {// You are now sure the data is set.});

I read this information here: CKEditor 4 Documentation

Update . I just figured out that when I submit data a second time, the richtext information is correctly bound to the Message property of my viewmodel. This means that I can get what I want if I hit the Save button twice, but not once ...


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1 answer

I guess I just haven't searched well enough on StackOverFlow, which really has an answer for everything. Correct answer:

$('#YOURFORMID').on('submit', function(){
    for ( instance in CKEDITOR.instances ) {


What I found here:

CKEDITOR doesn't send data via ajax on first submission



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