How to use GraphViz and Racket
3 answers
Here's what I would do:
- generate dot file (Graphviz format) from graph
- use
to run grapviz on file creating png file - displays png in rocket frame
For the actual code see
Note that the Stephen Chang graph library supports the creation of dot files:
To make a graphical editor, you can save the plot data to a file and then let Graphviz output the location information in dot format: Do the analysis output file, and then redraw the graphics on the screen.
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Here's an example. You must have the dot program installed.
#lang racket
(require graph)
(require racket/gui/base)
(define dot-command "/usr/local/bin/dot -Tpng ~a >~a")
;; Given a graph, use dot to create a png and return the path to the png
(define (make-graphviz-png g)
(let ([dot-string (graphviz g #:colors (coloring/brelaz g))]
[dot-file (make-temporary-file "")]
[png-file (make-temporary-file "example~a.png")])
(display-to-file dot-string dot-file #:exists 'replace)
(system (format dot-command dot-file png-file))
;; The graph
(define test-graph (unweighted-graph/directed '((hello world))))
;; Generate the png from the graph
(define bitmap (read-bitmap (make-graphviz-png test-graph)))
;; Display in a frame -- see
(define f (new frame% [label "Your Graph"]))
(new message% [parent f] [label bitmap])
(send f show #t)
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