How to add aop for non-w760>, jersey leisure services

Hi can anyone please tell me how to add aop to a regular jersey service or any web application without spring.

I tried it with help but it didn't work. In this case, I have added aop.xml to META-INF. But still it doesn't detect the class I added with @Aspect annotation. Please someone can help me.

I am working with InteliJ IDE and my sample code as follows.

public class MySimpleLoggerAspect {

    public Object myTrace(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
        System.out.println("myTrace:before call "
                + joinPoint.getTarget().getClass().getName()
                + "." + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());

        Object retVal = "it is an aspectJ sample";
        return retVal;



And my aop.xml looks like this

    <aspect name="com.koderzlab.lawman.aop.MySimpleLoggerAspect"/>


I added aop.xml to the artifact like this: WEB-INF / META-INF / aop.xml but the aspect class is not executed before going to service


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