Xcode / ItunesConnect: Is it possible to delete the watch set target and add it back or not send the Watchkit app?

There is a test task in my project. The problem I am facing is I don't need the watchkit target to download right now. I still want to keep the code and don't want to delete all files. Is there a way that I can imagine an app without a watch set extension app? I was thinking about deleting targets (not files), but I don't know what is the best course of action in this situation. Can I tell itunesconnect not to turn on the Watchkit app?


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2 answers

If you go to the target of your main application and remove the watchdog extension from the "Embedded Binaries", it should uninstall your video surveillance application.



To expand on the answer from Tiago, remove the Watchkit extension from "Inline Binaries" and "Target Dependencies".

See Prevent Deployment (Disable) WatchKit App from iOS iPhone App in Xcode .



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