Combining headers () and renaming () with coefplot (Stata)

Let's say you want to create a regression coefficient plot where interactions are grouped and renamed. Following an example from the -coefplot-paper (Jann, 2014), the following code allows for grouping interactions:

sysuse auto, clear
keep if rep78>=3
//run regression
quietly regress mpg headroom i.rep78#i.foreign
eststo model
//plot results       
coefplot model, /// 
    xline(0) omitted baselevels ///
    headings( 3.rep78#0.foreign = "{bf:Interaction Effects}") /// 
* END *


and the following allows you to rename the interaction (just one for brevity):

coefplot model, /// 
    xline(0) omitted baselevels ///
    rename( 3.rep78#0.foreign = "new name") /// 
* END *


but combining the two methods

coefplot model, /// 
    xline(0) omitted baselevels ///
    rename( 3.rep78#0.foreign = "new name") ///     
    headings( 3.rep78#0.foreign = "{bf:Interaction Effects}") /// 
* END *


does not give the desired result.

For my data, I also use the groups () parameter, so I would like to find a solution where I can combine headers () and rename (). Any pointers are appreciated.


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1 answer

Use the parameter coeflabels()


*----- example data -----

sysuse auto, clear
keep if rep78>=3

//run regression
quietly regress mpg headroom i.rep78#i.foreign
eststo model

*----- what you want -----

coefplot model, /// 
    xline(0) omitted baselevels ///
    coeflabels(3.rep78#0.foreign = "new name") /// 
    headings(3.rep78#0.foreign = "{bf:Interaction Effects}") ///




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