Spotify pauses when audio player starts in my app

I know it's possible, but I haven't found it yet, so I'm asking for it.

When you start to play mp3 sound in my app when third party music is playing like Spotify. Spotify is paused and you need to resume Spotify for it to play again.

How can I let Spotify keep playing while the audio player sound starts?


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1 answer

If by "audio player" you mean VLC. I recently noticed this behavior on my Mac. According to the VLC changelog under "Changes Between 2.1.6 and 2.2.0:" and "Mac OS X Interface:", it indicates "additionally" in iTunes, Spotify will automatically pause when playback starts. "

To disable this feature, open VLC:

  • In the VLC menu (top left of the screen) select "Settings"
  • Click the Show All button (bottom left)
  • On the left side, navigate to: Interface -> Basic Interfaces -> macosx
  • Under "Control External Music Players", select "Do Nothing" instead of "Pause iTunes / Spotify"
  • Click "Save" (bottom, right).


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