Installing Theano on Windows 8.1 using Anaconda: setting up the system path configuration script
I am trying to install Theano on windows 8.1 64 with Anaconda following the step by step tutorial provided here: . I am stuck with the environment configuration script 'env.bat' needed to set up the system path. The example is for a WinPython distribution, but as I'm installing in Anaconda and I don't know how to set up this particular line.
This is an example for WinPython:
REM add winpython stuff
CALL %SCISOFT%\WinPython-64bit-\scripts\env.bat
What directory should I set here after CALL, given that I am using Anaconda? Amazingly many, can anyone help?
EDIT: Note that SCISOFT is the directory where WinPython is installed in the tutorial, the author says "the script assumes you have installed a WinPython distribution, update the winpython line otherwise." and this is what I cannot do because it is not specified what to specify.
I include the whole .bat, although I have no problem with other settings:
REM configuration of paths
set VSFORPYTHON="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0"
set SCISOFT=%~dp0
REM add tdm gcc stuff
set PATH=%SCISOFT%\TDM-GCC-64\bin;%SCISOFT%\TDM-GCC-64\x86_64-w64mingw32\bin;%PATH%
REM add winpython stuff
CALL %SCISOFT%\WinPython-64bit-\scripts\env.bat
REM configure path for msvc compilers
REM for a 32 bit installation change this line to
REM CALL %VSFORPYTHON%\vcvarsall.bat
CALL %VSFORPYTHON%\vcvarsall.bat amd64
REM return a shell
cmd.exe /k
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The following winpython should have theano working out of the box!topic/theano-users/lta_34FXIwg
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I was having similar problems, so I put together a reliable guide to install Theano on Windows 8.1 x64 using WinPython x64 and CUDA 7 with MS Visual Studio 2012 - CPU and GPU are both configured.
Hope it helps.
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