Yii2 Rest API additional templates with multiple controllers

I have two controllers in my API. Each of them has additional templates. All my actions are working correctly, except for the user login, which is defined in the additional templates.

'urlManager' => [
    'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
    'enableStrictParsing' => true,
    'showScriptName' => false,
    'rules' => [
            'class' => 'yii\rest\UrlRule',
            'controller' => [ 'v1/item', 'v1/user'], 
            'tokens' => [
                '{id}' => '<id:\\w+>', //commenting out this token allows login to return
            'extraPatterns' => [
                'POST {id}/image/{type}' => 'image', //from the item controller
                'GET login' => 'login' // from the USER controller



user / login errors. Note that it is looking for the v1 / user / view action

    "name": "Not Found",
    "message": "Page not found.",
    "code": 0,
    "status": 404,
    "type": "yii\\web\\NotFoundHttpException",
    "previous": {
        "name": "Invalid Route",
        "message": "Unable to resolve the request: v1/user/view",
        "code": 0,
        "type": "yii\\base\\InvalidRouteException"


If I comment out the ID token in urlManager, the user / login action works, but my other routes don't work.


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2 answers

Solved by dividing rules per element for each controller:

    'class' => 'yii\rest\UrlRule',
    'controller' => 'v1/config', //, 
    'tokens' => [
        '{id}' => '<id:\\w+>',
    'extraPatterns' => [
        'POST {id}/image/{type}' => 'image',

    'class' => 'yii\rest\UrlRule', 
    'controller' => 'v1/user', 
    'extraPatterns' => [
        'GET login' => 'login'




When you specify markers

'{id}' => '<id:\\w+>',


you override the default yii \ rest \ UrlRule tokens

'{id}' => '<id:\\d[\\d,]*>',


and start viewing the route in the next

'GET,HEAD {id}' => 'view',


where id is the word so / user / login translated into an action like



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