How can I read a text file of dates and convert them to an array that I can sort in C #?

I have a date text file that looks like this:




How can I convert this to something I can use in quicksort for example? I am already reading a text file like this

string[] Date = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("Date.txt");


I've tried using something like this:

double[] Dates = Array.ConvertAll(Date, s => DateTime.Parse(s));


And it just doesn't work.

My desired output after entering my algorithm should be to have them in order, but output the same format as I did earlier.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.


So, I managed to get the dates displayed in such a way that I want to use this method:

string[] Date = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("Date.txt");
DateTime[] Dates = Array.ConvertAll(Date, s => DateTime.Parse(s));


However, it also displays the time.

19/01/2014 00:00:00


How can I get rid of this?

Thanks again guys!


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4 answers

DateTime.ParseExact takes a string and format to parse into DateTime objects.

Using linq ...

dates.Select(p=> DateTime.ParseExact(p, @"dd/MM/yyyy");


Should return a set of dates, which you can then sort.



You can try below snippet,

 string[] Dates = File.ReadAllLines("Date.txt");
            var sortableDates = Dates
                .Select<string, DateTime>(d => DateTime.ParseExact(d, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))


Updated answer to match the modified question,

var sortableDates = File.ReadAllLines("Date.txt")
                .Select<string, DateTime>(d => DateTime.ParseExact(d, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                .OrderBy<DateTime, DateTime>(d => d)
                .Select<DateTime, string>(d => d.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"))


Respond as per users implementation,

var result = Array.ConvertAll<string, DateTime>(Dates, d => DateTime.ParseExact(d, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                 .OrderBy<DateTime, DateTime>(d => d)
                 .Select<DateTime, string>(d => d.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"))




You can completely eliminate the possibility of converting to a date by doing it like this:

    .OrderBy(x => x.Substring(6, 4) + x.Substring(3, 2) + x.Substring(0, 2));


This only works because the data on each line is the same.



int ConvertDate(string date)
        string day = "";
        string month = "";
        string year = "";
        int count = 0;

        foreach(char c in date)
            if(count < 2)
                day = day + c;
            else if(count > 5)
                year = year + c;
            else if(c != '/')
                month = month + c;


        string tempDate = year + month + day;
        return Convert.ToInt32(tempDate);




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