How to create, save and access a fileset of images in local storage

I am working with phone phone window 8.1, I want to store more than 100 images in an album, but the open picker file cannot handle more than 5-6 images Is it possible to access the image using a path, or set the image source as phone storage? which is the best way to store the image in the database image taken with the open picker file

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

If you don't want to use FileOpenPicker

, you can access the phone libraries directly using KnownFolders

. This, however, requires you to declare the capability in your application manifest.
Assuming you are only interested in photos, you can add the option for Pictures Library

in the manifest. Then go into the image library in your code as

StorageFolder picturesFolder = Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary;  


Now you can use picturesFolder

image libraries to access files and folders.



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