Returning a struct array in C ++

I am trying to return an array of structures in my class, but I keep getting the error

error C2556: 'cellValue *LCS::LcsLength(std::string,std::string)' : overloaded function differs only by return type from 'cellValue LCS::LcsLength(std::string,std::string)'


when i go back to my .cpp file

My class declaration:

enum arrow {UP, LEFT, DIAGONAL};

struct cellValue
    int stringLenght;
    arrow direction;

class LCS
    cellValue LcsLength (string, string);


And when I try to return to my function, I have:

cellValue LCS::LcsLength (string X, string Y)
    cellValue table[1024][1024];

    return table;



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2 answers

You have two main problems with your function LcsLength

: your return type is wrong, and you have a dangling pointer.

Declare LcsLength

as a returning object cellValue

, but then try and return cellValue[1024][1024]

. This is why you are getting a compiler error.

Regardless of the return type, what you do won't work as it table

will be destroyed as soon as the function exits. You will be much better off using std::vector

or perhaps std::map

depending on what this table is for.



cellValue LCS::LcsLength (string X, string Y)
    cellValue table[1024][1024];

    return table;


The problem is in understanding what the local array table

decays to cellValue(*)[1024]

, not cellValue

what is the return type of the function as defined.

Another problem is that even if you fix the type problem, you will return a local variable pointer, which will be destroyed when the function goes out of scope and the called party will have a dangling pointer, meaning the pointer to loction is no longer located under your control.

You have to go with std::array

if you have to return a collection of objects the size of which is required at compile time, then go with Tartan's suggestion for use std::vector

. You won't have any performance hit with C ++ 11 guarentees.



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