Oracle SQL always shows three rows in a query with joins

I am returning the following data from the database. Based on the state, I calculate the number of items in a particular state and the age of the oldest item.

select distinct 1,, dm1.name_event, count( as "Number of items", max(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('20000101','yyyymmdd')+(SYSDATE - dm1.time_event),'hh24:mi:ss')) as "Time in system" from dm_procmon dm1 join dm_procmon dm2 on =
where  dm1.name_event = 'state1' and (select count(*) from dm_procmon dm2 where and dm2.name_event = 'state2') = 0
group by, dm1.name_event
select distinct 2,, dm1.name_event, count( as "Number of items", max(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('20000101','yyyymmdd')+(SYSDATE - dm1.time_event),'hh24:mi:ss')) as "Time in system" from dm_procmon dm1 join dm_procmon dm2 on =
where dm1.name_event = 'state2' and (select count(*) from dm_procmon dm2 where and dm2.name_event = 'state3') = 0
group by, dm1.name_event
select distinct 3,, dm1.name_event, count( as "Number of items", max(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('20000101','yyyymmdd')+(SYSDATE - dm1.time_event),'hh24:mi:ss')) as "Time in system" from dm_procmon dm1
where dm1.name_event = 'state3' and (select count(*) from dm_procmon dm2 where and dm2.name_event = 'end state') = 0
group by , dm1.name_event


The problem is that when there are 0 items in a certain state, the line of that state is ignored. This means that if, for example, the state is 3 0 items, the row is not displayed at all ...

Current output is incorrect

     1 TECHNOLOGY           NAME_EVENT        Number of items Time in system
---------- -------------------- ----------------- --------------- --------------
     1 Repository           state1                          4 00:19:51
     2 Repository           state2                          1 00:28:21


The result I want to achieve

     1 TECHNOLOGY           NAME_EVENT        Number of items Time in system
 ---------- -------------------- ----------------- --------------- --------------
     1 Repository           state1                          4 00:19:51
     2 Repository           state2                          1 00:28:21
     3 Repository           state3                          0 00:00:00



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2 answers

Check this query (Oracle 11g required):


with data1 as (
  select id, technology tg, 
      max(decode(name_event, 'state1', 1, 0)) st1, 
      max(decode(name_event, 'state2', 1, 0)) st2, 
      max(decode(name_event, 'state3', 1, 0)) st3,
      sum(decode(name_event, 'end state', 1, 0)) st4,
      max(to_char(date '2000-01-01'+(sysdate - time_event), 'hh24:mi:ss')) tis
    from dm_procmon group by id, technology ), 
data2 as ( 
  select tg, count(case when st1 = 1 and st2 = 0 then id end) st1,
      count(case when st2 = 1 and st3 = 0 then id end) st2,
      count(case when st3 = 1 and st4 = 0 then id end) st3,
      max(case when st1 = 1 and st2 = 0 then tis else '00:00:00' end) tis1,
      max(case when st2 = 1 and st3 = 0 then tis else '00:00:00' end) tis2,
      max(case when st3 = 1 and st4 = 0 then tis else '00:00:00' end)tis3
    from data1 group by tg
select tg technology, st state, max(noi) items, max(tis) max_time 
  from (
    select *
      from data2
      unpivot (noi for st in (st1 as 'state1', st2 as 'state2', st3 as 'state3'))
      unpivot (tis for ti in (tis1 as 'state1', tis2 as 'state2', tis3 as 'state3')) 
    where st=ti group by tg, st order by tg, st


I managed to simplify this query a bit, the last part should be:

select tg technology, event, items, max_time 
  from data2
  unpivot ((items, max_time) for (event, t) in (
    (st1, tis1) as ('state1', null), 
    (st2, tis2) as ('state2', null),
    (st3, tis3) as ('state3', null) ))
  order by technology, event




You can explicitly add a string using UNION and DOES NOT EXIST .

For example, consider a test case:

SQL> SELECT deptno dept, count(*) cnt FROM emp WHERE deptno = 20
  2  GROUP BY deptno
  3  UNION
  4  SELECT deptno dept, count(*) cnt FROM emp WHERE deptno = 100
  5  GROUP BY deptno
  6  /

      DEPT        CNT
---------- ----------
        20          5



I want the line to be displayed even if there are no divisions with deptno = 100.

SQL> SELECT to_char(deptno) dept, count(*) cnt FROM emp WHERE deptno = 20
  2  group by to_char(deptno)
  3  UNION
  4  SELECT 'No departments found' dept, 0 cnt
  5  FROM dual
  7    (SELECT 1 FROM emp WHERE deptno = 100
  8    )
  9  /

DEPT                                            CNT
---------------------------------------- ----------
20                                                5
No departments found                              0



There are no rows in the above example for department = 100, but I am showing it.



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