Dapper build parameter list

I have this class:

public class Parameters
    public string UserId {get;set;}
    public string OrgId {get;set;}
    public string Roles {get;set;}


It is deserialized from a JSON string. Therefore, some of the properties null


What are the best ways to create a list of options for going to Dapper.

Currently my logic for building the params string for the tag at the end of the SQL query is as follows:

var parameters = string.Empty;
var parametersObj = new { };
if (query.Parameters != null)
    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Parameters.UserId))
        parameters = string.Format("{0} UserId = @UserId", parameters);
        // parametersObj.UserId = 

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Parameters.OrganisationIdentifier))
        parameters = string.Format("{0}, OrganisationIdentifier = @OrganisationIdentifier", parameters);

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Parameters.Roles))
        parameters = string.Format("{0}, Roles = @Roles", parameters);

var sqlString = string.Format("exec {0} {1}", query.DbObjectName, parameters);

conn.QueryAsync<dynamic>(sqlString, )


As you can see with the help parametersObj

, I went with a JavaScript

way to dynamically create an object. If I did it using a dynamic

instead of an object - would it still work?


var parameters = string.Empty;
dynamic parametersObj = new { };
if (query.Parameters != null)
    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Parameters.UserId))
        parameters = string.Format("{0} UserId = @UserId", parameters);
        parametersObj.UserId = query.Parameters.UserId;

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Parameters.OrganisationIdentifier))
        parameters = string.Format("{0} OrganisationIdentifier = @OrganisationIdentifier ", parameters);
        parametersObj.OrganisationIdentifier= query.Parameters.OrganisationIdentifier;

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Parameters.Roles))
        parameters = string.Format("{0} Roles = @Roles", parameters);
        parametersObj.Roles= query.Parameters.Roles;

var sqlString = string.Format("exec {0} {1}", query.DbObjectName, parameters);

conn.QueryAsync<dynamic>(sqlString, parametersObj);



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2 answers

I think the second example will work when you change

dynamic parametersObj = new {};



dynamic parametersObj = new ExpandoObject();


and request

conn.QueryAsync(sqlString, new 
    UserId = parametersObj.UserId,


NOTE: filling a dynamic object like

conn.QueryAsync(sqlString, parametersObj);


will cause an error

Extension methods cannot be dispatched dynamically



You don't need anything: just pass your object as parameters. Dapper will only pass properties / parameters that it can identify in the request ... and even if it passed all of them: it understands null.

The facility is beautiful.

...QueryAsync(sql, query.Parameters)...




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