JQuery function works as one line, but not when I split it

I am new to javascript and html and I have a question

To test if the submit button is working correctly I used this jquery script

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#search_form").submit(function() {
        alert("you pressed submit");
        return false;


This works as expected, when I click the submit button the message appears

However, when I use the following code (which in theory does the same)


function set_up_listeners() {

function submit_pressed() {
    alert("you pressed submit");
    return false;


the alert appears when the document is ready, not when I click the submit button. What am I doing wrong? I like the second type of code because it's easier for me to read, but I can't figure out why it doesn't work.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide


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1 answer

You are calling the function instead of passing its reference to submit

function set_up_listeners() {


Also on ready



Remove () from set_up_listeners





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