Function called at the start of page load - javascript

I have a problem; for some reason my function is called at the beginning of the web app during page load.

My code looks like this

function validateName(element) {
        var len = element.value.length;

        //checks if the code is than 6 characters
        if (len == 0) { 
            if ( == "firstname")
                document.getElementById('firstNameError').style.display = "block"; 
            else if ( == "lastname") {
                document.getElementById('lastNameError').style.display = "block";                 
            return true;
        } //if == 0
        else {
            if ( == "firstname")
                document.getElementById('firstNameError').style.display = "none"; 
            else if ( == "lastname") {
                document.getElementById('lastNameError').style.display = "none";                 
        return false;
        } // if != 0


The logic behind this function is to validate the text boxes where the user enters their name. Basically the problem I am facing is as soon as I open my web page, the text boxes are red and say, "Your name cannot be blank!" (which is firstNameError

). Then as soon as I enter some text in the textbox it doesn't change, it still stays red and displays an error.

This is how I call the function:

function init() {
    var firstName = initToolTip("firstname", "firstnameTip");
    var lastName = initToolTip("lastname", "lastnameTip");
    var promoCode = initToolTip("promocode", "promocodeTip");
    //opens the TOS window when you click 'terms and conditions' link
    document.getElementById("clickedTOS").onclick = function() { sAlert(document.getElementById("TOS").innerHTML) };
    //checks the length of the promo code
    promoCode.onblur = validatePromoCode(promoCode);
    //checks the validity of a name (is not blank)
    firstName.onblur = validateName(firstName);
    lastName.onblur = validateName(lastName);
    //document.getElementById('submitButton').onmousedown = validateForm();


I don't understand why it is called as soon as the page is loaded, since it is set to be called onblur

. can anyone suggest ways to fix this?


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2 answers

You need to pass the function references onblur

, not the result of an immediate function call. Change to this:

function init() {
    var firstName = initToolTip("firstname", "firstnameTip");
    var lastName = initToolTip("lastname", "lastnameTip");
    var promoCode = initToolTip("promocode", "promocodeTip");
    //opens the TOS window when you click 'terms and conditions' link
    document.getElementById("clickedTOS").onclick = function() { sAlert(document.getElementById("TOS").innerHTML) };
    //checks the length of the promo code
    promoCode.onblur = function() {validatePromoCode(promoCode);};
    //checks the validity of a name (is not blank)
    firstName.onblur = function() {validateName(firstName);};
    lastName.onblur = function() {validateName(lastName);{;
    //document.getElementById('submitButton').onmousedown = validateForm();


This changes each onblur assignment to accept an anonymous functional reference that will be executed later when the event occurs onblur

, rather than immediately like your current code.



You are not passing onblur function to init; you are passing the result to a function.

See the following example:

var Afuntion=function(){
  console.log("hello from function");
  return 22;
Element.onblur=Afunction("something");//Element.onblur is now 22 and 
  // "hello from function" is logged
Element.onblur=Afunction; //now onblur has a reference to the function
Element.onblur();//this will log "hello from function" and return 22


You are not using a library like jQuery to make it easier to add / add event listeners, so it hurts a bit to set up an event listener using pure JS and read the event in a function. There should be some info on SO how to do it anyway

In your case, you can try this:

promoCode.onblur = function(){,promCode);};




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