JQuery deferred.done executes a predefined function instantly, but does not declare a function inside

My problem is weird as the title says. Here's the code:

Case 1:

    var first = $.ajax({ // about 500ms request
        url: myUrl
        success: function() { console.log(1); }

    var second = $.ajax({ // about 200 ms request
        url: myUrl
        success: function() { console.log(2); }

    $.when(first, second).done(function() { console.log(3); });


Logs 2, 1, 3. Everything is fine, just what I wanted.

Case 2:

    var first = $.ajax({ // about 500ms request
        url: myUrl
        success: function() { console.log(1); }

    var second = $.ajax({ // about 200 ms request
        url: myUrl
        success: function() { console.log(2); }

    function logthree() {

    $.when(first, second).done(logthree());


Logs 3, 2, 1, which is the problem. The logthree () function should only run after the first and second permission.

Why is this happening? How can I use case 2 without any problem?

Note. The same happens if the first and second functions and they return $ .ajax.

Note. The same happens if the first and second are $ .get.


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2 answers

Change to:

$.when(first, second).done(logthree);


The logthree()

return result is executed and passed to .done()

. You need to pass a reference to the function to .done()

, which is just logthree

no boyfriends. When you add parens, this instructs the JS interpreter to execute it immediately. This is a common mistake.



Try it.

`$ .when (first, second) .done (logthree);



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