Cannot apply BasicDBObject function to [B

I have the following gridfs

in a mongodb database:


{ "_id" : ObjectId("000000000000000000000001"), "chunkSize" : 261120, "length" : 232, "md5" : "42290309186cc5420acff293b92ae21d", "filename" : "/tmp/outputFs-01.tmp", "contentType" : null, "uploadDate" : ISODate("2015-04-13T13:50:48.259Z"), "aliases" : null, "metadata" : { "estado" : "FICHERO_PDTE_ENVIO", "dataDate" : "20141122", "inputOutputFs" : "output", "gridFileCompression" : "bzip2", "fileType" : "OUTPUT-TEST1", "filePath" : "/tmp/outputFs-01.tmp", "sourceParticipant" : "0100", "destinationParticipant" : "REE", "exportFileName" : "F1_0100_20141122_20150219.0", "processed" : "false", "fileMD5" : "4276e61a4b63d3d1d1b77e27e792bd13", "version" : 0 } }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("000000000000000000000002"), "chunkSize" : 261120, "length" : 232, "md5" : "42290309186cc5420acff293b92ae21d", "filename" : "/tmp/outputFs-02.tmp", "contentType" : null, "uploadDate" : ISODate("2015-04-13T13:50:48.259Z"), "aliases" : null, "metadata" : { "estado" : "FICHERO_ENVIADO_OK", "fechaEnvio" : ISODate("2015-04-13T13:50:48.259Z"), "dataDate" : "20141123", "inputOutputFs" : "output", "gridFileCompression" : "bzip2", "fileType" : "OUTPUT-TEST2", "filePath" : "/tmp/outputFs-02.tmp", "sourceParticipant" : "0100", "destinationParticipant" : "REE", "exportFileName" : "F1_0100_20141123_20150220.0", "processed" : "false", "fileMD5" : "4276e61a4b63d3d1d1b77e27e792bd13", "version" : 0 } }


{ "_id" : ObjectId("000000000000000000000001"), "files_id" :  ObjectId("000000000000000000000001"), "n" : 0, "data" : { "$type" : 0, "$binary" : "QlpoOTFBWSZTWZSBQ/YABX5cAAAYQAH/+CAAMAFWA0NqptIb9UgAZ6qowAAFKSaJpGhk8ssmVlk7AAAALZtZZOf0vr859OqflcIs461Dm1skcSOpGpHMuu5HcsJG0j5I9PiR4kaRvvjWskfsVMkZVLxI3uRy/pGTqRj7VmMyTOBfUtb561rwkf0j09+Zbkd+cs1I77861xI7pypvfOt1v5DmR1I51nW7XGdaluRnGZjMzJMzOZGpHnrfGM56+/fnGPVVVVVqqpVVWxCSxCTSAEMkZI3IyqXuqXyRuR/i7kinChISkCh+wA==" } }

{ "_id" : ObjectId("000000000000000000000002"), "files_id" : ObjectId("000000000000000000000002"), "n" : 0, "data" : { "$type" : 0, "$binary" : "QlpoOTFBWSZTWZSBQ/YABX5cAAAYQAH/+CAAMAFWA0NqptIb9UgAZ6qowAAFKSaJpGhk8ssmVlk7AAAALZtZZOf0vr859OqflcIs461Dm1skcSOpGpHMuu5HcsJG0j5I9PiR4kaRvvjWskfsVMkZVLxI3uRy/pGTqRj7VmMyTOBfUtb561rwkf0j09+Zbkd+cs1I77861xI7pypvfOt1v5DmR1I51nW7XGdaluRnGZjMzJMzOZGpHnrfGM56+/fnGPVVVVVqqpVVWxCSxCTSAEMkZI3IyqXuqXyRuR/i7kinChISkCh+wA==" } }


When I try to restore it using Spring Data

or even MongoChef (both Java clients) as a file, I get the following error:

com.mongodb.BasicDBObject cannot be cast to [B


The collections were manually imported as they are without using MongoChef

or mongofiles

and I don't know where this error comes from.


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1 answer

The GridFS spec expects a Binary

field data

in a collection chunks

. However, yours outputFs.chunks

does not meet these criteria.

The field data

here is not a Binary

BSON datatype , but is a regular document that has two fields named $type

and $data



will create a binary field only for JSON records in the following format. Note that the order of the fields matters for mongoimport


   "$binary" : ... 
   "$type" : ...


Your example has fields $type

and $binary


Update your JSON file and import again outputFs.chunks

. mongoimport

will create valid binary fields and you can work with GridFS using other MongoDB tools.



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