Finding dates and ignoring time and date in mongoDB node.js

I am using node.js and monodb database where I want to query records by date and I want to ignore time and date, only month and year will be matched here, this is my code: -

  collection.find({ date: { "$gte": sDate, "$lt": eDate) } }).count(function (e, c) {


does this work but matches date and time and also how can i only match months and years? Please help me to solve this problem.

Edit: - some data from the collection: -

"_id" : ObjectId("5535e76f82a964d011e34fcf"),
"VisitorId" : "5535e72a82a964d011e34fcb",    
"date" : ISODate("2015-01-21T06:00:15.761Z"),

"_id" : ObjectId("5535e75f82a964d011e34fcf"),
"VisitorId" : "5535e72a82a964d011e34fcb",    
"date" : ISODate("2015-04-21T06:00:15.761Z"),


I will pass two parameters ie {month: "1", year: "2015"};

and the output should display the first documents.


javascript date node.js mongodb

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1 answer

You can use the operator in a query : $where

    "$where": function() { 
        return == 0 && == 2015
}).count(function (err, data) {
   // Handle err


However, query performance is quite compromised as it requires a table scan to use , a global lock is required. You should only use if you cannot express your request with a different operator. If you must use , try including at least one other standard query operator to filter the result set. $where



Other options are to change your schema and store the month in its own property (if it's a common field in your queries). You guarantee the best query performance since the field can be indexed.

Another option would be to query for a specific month and year, creating a query object that only looks for the start and end of that specific month.

var sDate = new Date(2015, 0, 1);
var eDate = new Date(2015, 1, 1);

collection.find({ date: { "$gte": sDate, "$lt": eDate) } }).count(function (e, c) {



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