Finding dates and ignoring times in mongoDB

I am trying to query a collection based on a date field. My collection has a date type field + timestamp. However, I would like to ignore the timestamp and just use the date. Field: "enddate": ISODate ("2014-10-10T07: 00: 00Z"). I am using the following query:

Camps.findOne (

        { $and: [ {status: 1} , {camp_id: pCampID} , {$or: [ {enddate: null}, {enddate: {$gte: new Date()} } ] } ] },...


but the date (new date ()) is converted to UTC date which causes the query not to return all documents.

Any help is appreciated.


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1 answer

One way to do this is to use aggregation framework

and take advantage date aggregation operators

. For example:

     // Perform the initial match to filter docs by 'status' and 'camp_id'
           status: 1,
           camp_id: pCampID
     // Extract the year, month and day portions of the 'enddate' 
           year: { $year: "$enddate" },
           month: { $month: "$enddate" },
           day: { $dayOfMonth: "$enddate" },
           status: 1,
           camp_id: 1
     // Filter by date - Replace hard-coded values with values you want
           year: { $gte: 2014 },
           month: { $gte: 10 },
           day: { $gte: 10 }




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