Add self-used init method for constructor function?

Let's say I have a constructor function that I don't have access to. In this constructor function, I want to inject the init init method itself, which is run whenever a new instance is created from this constructor .

For example: we can say that there is a Cat constructor, but unfortunately I do not have access to it:

function Cat() {
    // ...code which I do not have access to
    // ...maybe it comes from an external file or something?


And now I can do this to create new cats:

var coolCat = new Cat();


Everything is fine and I have my new cat instance.

But now I want ( if I have access to the body of the Cat constructor function, which of course I didn't! ) Something like this:

function Cat() {
  this.roarOnInit = function() {


... so when I do this:

var coolCat = new Cat();


... I actually get this cool ROAR-alert window!

I understand how to add the roarOnInit method to the Cat constructor (Cat.prototype.roarOnInit = function ...), but is there a way I can easily add a method call (which is executed when the Cat instance is created) to the constructor body?

It looks like such a trivial thing and it's probably very easy, but I just can't figure it out this afternoon. Thank you for being with me.


Thanks for answers! I forgot one very important thing, which means that I will not know in advance what the constructor function will be, or that name, etc. This is because I am running this through a function that takes any constructor as a parameter, and eventually returns the constructor (with its original name / prototype) back.


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2 answers

Let's start with the definition Cat


function Cat(name){;


We can now overwrite this with a new constructor that returns the normal one Cat

, but only after our script has run:

var oldCat = Cat;
function Cat(name){
    var self=new oldCat(name);
    return self;


Now we can do new Cat("Muffin")

and it will roar and we will still have access to properties on the original prototype chain Cat

. I am showing this in an example snippet:

// just to be safe, define the original as oldCat()

function oldCat(name){;

//var oldCat = Cat;
function Cat(name){
  var self=new oldCat(name);
  return self;

var coolCat = new Cat("Muffin");

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Now, if you want to distract this in order to accept any function, it's not too hard. We just need to do a little work with the constructor to pass the arguments. Javascript - create instance with array of arguments

function injectToConstructor(C){
    return function(){
        var self = new (C.bind.apply(C,[C].concat([];
        console.log("object initiated:");
        return self;


Then we can do something like:

Cat = injectToConstructor(Cat);
var coolCat = new Cat("Muffin"); // logs 2 items




This is because I run this through a function that takes any constructor as a parameter and eventually returns the constructor (with its original name / prototype).

You can not. You cannot change the behavior of a function, rather than "inject" code into it. The only way is to wrap the function i.e. decorate it , and return a new one.

In your example, it would look like this:

function makeRoarer(constr) {
    function Roar() { // new .name and .length, but that shouldn't matter
        constr.apply(this, arguments);
    Roar.prototype = constr.prototype;
    Roar.prototype.constructor = Roar;
    Roar.prototype.roarOnInit = function() {
    return Roar;


class Cat { … } // whatever
var a = new Cat(); // nothing
Cat = makeRoarer(Cat);
var b = new Cat(); // ROOOAAAR!




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