PHP Comtrust SOAP api Response Code 5000

I am using Comprust payment api and am developing a SOAP wrapper to call Comtrust functions. And currently use Comtrust demo account by following their documentation and getting the following answer:

stdClass Object ( [RegisterResult] => stdClass Object ( [ResponseCode] => 5000 [ResponseDescription] => Request is not permitted or not authenticated properly [UniqueID] => 1942d0d0-37f5-4504-951e-3343f9b86ea7 [version] => 2.0 [PaymentPortal] => [TransactionID] => ) )


I am using the following code:

 $client = new SoapClient("");
    try {

        $result = $client->Register(array("request" => array(
            'Customer' => 'Demo Merchant',
            'Channel' => 'Web',
            'Address'   => '',             
            'Language' => 'en',
            'Password' => 'Comtrust',
            'version' => '2.0',
            'Amount' => '99.98',
            'Currency' => 'AED',
            'OrderID' => '123',
            'OrderInfo' => 'Test Info',
            'OrderName' => 'Test Name',
            'ReturnPath' => '',
            'TransactionHint' => 'CPT:Y'
    }catch (Exception $e)
        echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";


I have a certificate file that is in .pfx format and a password. My question is how to transfer a .pfx file with a SOAP envelope. Does anyone have a similar face?

Please, help!!

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

In PHP, you need to use a .pem certificate. use it with the password "Comtrust" to access the staging server.



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