Unique_ptr with Iphone sdk?

Does anyone know if the standard unique_ptr can be used with the iphone sdk? I have browsed and doesn't seem to exist. Maybe the gcc version doesn't support it yet.

I know there is a version of boost that emulates the standard behavior, but I would like to use the standard if possible.


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2 answers

Try Xcode 4.2. But it won't be enabled by default. Open your build settings. You need to select "C ++ Standard Library", "libC ++". Also the C ++ 03 support for is unique_ptr

not very good. For the best experience, also select C ++ Interface Language, C ++ 0x.



GCC that ships with Xcode (4.2) does not include C ++ 11 support. Use Apple LLVM 3.0 and you will get C ++ 11 support (after enabling it in the C ++ dialog setting)



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