Continuous weekly transition over the years

I am trying to calculate the offset of the week using as.Date

relative to any origin

or base date. For example:.

bd = as.Date("2013-12-29")
ad1 = as.Date("2014-01-01")
ad1w = as.numeric(strftime(ad1, format = "%W"))
ad2 = as.Date("2015-04-20")
ad2w = as.numeric(strftime(ad2, format = "%W"))


Gives: ad1w = 0

, ad2w = 16

. I would like ad1w

and ad2w

not to be 0 and 16, but a number with an offset to bd

. Is it possible? The origin can be any date. Thank you!

Clarify a little. Let them talk:

bd = as.Date("2013-12-25")
ad1 = as.Date("2015-01-07")
ad2 = as.Date("2015-01-06")


those. bd

- week in 2013, and ad1

and ad2

- week 1 in 2015. Both offsets must be 54 weeks without rounding.


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1 answer

is that enough?

ad1w <- as.numeric(floor((ad1 - bd) /7))
ad2w <- as.numeric(floor((ad2 - bd) /7))



using lubridate

, you can use:


ad1w <- as.numeric(floor((ad1-lubridate::wday(ad1) - (bd-lubridate::wday(bd))) /7))
ad2w <- as.numeric(floor((ad2-lubridate::wday(ad2) - (bd-lubridate::wday(bd))) /7))


The logic is as follows. Repeat code for each date to be the last date of the previous week and then useas.numeric(floor((recoded_ad1 - recoded_bd) /7))



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