C # method pointer as in C ++

In C ++ I was able to create a pointer to my method without knowing which instance it would be called on, but in C # I cannot do that - I need an instance to create a delegate.

This is what I am looking for:

Here is the code from MSDN

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class Name
   private string instanceName;

   public Name(string name)
      this.instanceName = name;

   public void DisplayToConsole()

   public void DisplayToWindow()

public class testTestDelegate
   public static void Main()
      Name testName = new Name("Koani");
      Action showMethod = testName.DisplayToWindow;


But I want to do this:

public class testTestDelegate
    public static void Main()
        Name testName = new Name("Koani");
        Action showMethod = Name.DisplayToWindow;



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1 answer

You can create a delegate that takes your instance as a parameter:

Name testName = new Name("Koani");
Action<Name> showMethod = name => name.DisplayToWindow();




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