Group related functionality in XSLT

I have a use question group-adjacent


I've seen two patterns:

Template 1:

<xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-adjacent="boolean(self::p[@class = 'code'])">


Template 2:

<xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-adjacent="@class">


Depending on what is being used, I noticed that it current-grouping-key()

returns false.

What is the purpose of using a boolean function in a group join?


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2 answers

With form, <xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-adjacent="boolean(self::p[@class = 'code'])">

the grouping key is a boolean value that is true for adjacent elements p

that have an attribute class

with a value code

, and in the second form <xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-adjacent="@class">

, the grouping value is a string and groups all adjacent elements with the same attribute values class


So it depends on your needs if you have for example

  <item class="c1">...</item>
  <item class="c1">...</item>
  <item class="c2">...</item>


you can use the second approach for grouping by value class


On the other hand, if you want to identify adjacent elements p

with a specific attribute class

, for example in

  <p class="code">...</p>
  <p class="code">...</p>
  <p class="code">...</p>


then the first approach allows it.



Depending on what is being used, I noticed that current-grouping-key () returns false.

current-grouping-key () returns true or false, depending on the current group. In your first example, current-grouping-key () will be true for any group of siblings of p

class "code", false for other groups.

What is the purpose of using a boolean function in a group join?

Without this, the grouping key will be the result of evaluating an expression self::p[@class = 'code']

that returns an empty sequence, which in turn raises an error.



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