Python pandas to read into file with date

In the data table below, the 3rd row is the heading and columns Y, M, and D indicate the year and day, respectively. However, I cannot read them when using this code:

df = pandas.read_csv(file_name, skiprows = 2, index_col='datetime', 
                 parse_dates={'datetime': [0,1,2]}, 
                 date_parser=lambda x: pandas.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y %m %d'))


              XKN1=    0.500000E-01
    Y   M   D     PRCP     VWC1    
 2006   1   1      0.0  0.17608E+00
 2006   1   2      6.0  0.21377E+00
 2006   1   3      0.1  0.22291E+00
 2006   1   4      3.0  0.23460E+00
 2006   1   5      6.7  0.26076E+00


I am getting KeyError: List index out of range. Any suggestions?


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1 answer

The default read_csv

delimiter is comma. Your file doesn't use commas as separators, so you only get one big column:

>>> pd.read_csv(file_name, skiprows = 2)
       Y   M   D     PRCP     VWC1    
0   2006   1   1      0.0  0.17608E+00
1   2006   1   2      6.0  0.21377E+00
2   2006   1   3      0.1  0.22291E+00
3   2006   1   4      3.0  0.23460E+00
4   2006   1   5      6.7  0.26076E+00
>>> pd.read_csv(file_name, skiprows = 2).columns
Index([u'    Y   M   D     PRCP     VWC1    '], dtype='object')


You can use delim_whitespace=True


>>> df = pd.read_csv(file_name, skiprows = 2, delim_whitespace=True,
                     parse_dates={"datetime": [0,1,2]}, index_col="datetime")
>>> df
            PRCP     VWC1
2006-01-01   0.0  0.17608
2006-01-02   6.0  0.21377
2006-01-03   0.1  0.22291
2006-01-04   3.0  0.23460
2006-01-05   6.7  0.26076
>>> df.index
<class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
[2006-01-01, ..., 2006-01-05]
Length: 5, Freq: None, Timezone: None


(I didn't specify date_parser

because I'm lazy and this will read correctly by default, but it's actually not a bad habit to be explicit.)



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