MySQL index for regular column and full text column

I am trying to speed up the request for below:

My table contains about 4 million records.

EXPLAIN SELECT  * FROM chrecords WHERE  company_number = 'test'  OR MATCH (company_name,registered_office_address_address_line_1,registered_office_address_address_line_2) AGAINST('test') LIMIT 0, 10;
| id   | select_type | table     | type | possible_keys    | key  | key_len | ref  | rows    | Extra       |
|    1 | SIMPLE      | chrecords | ALL  | i_company_number | NULL | NULL    | NULL | 2208348 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


I created two indexes using below:

ALTER TABLE `chapp`.`chrecords` ADD INDEX `i_company_number` (`company_number`);

ALTER TABLE `chapp`.`chrecords`ADD FULLTEXT(


How can two indexes be "merged"? As the above query takes 15+ seconds to execute (using only one index).

Defining the entire table:

CREATE TABLE `chapp`.`chrecords` (
  `company_name` VARCHAR(100) NULL,
  `company_number` VARCHAR(100) NULL,
  `registered_office_care_of` VARCHAR(100) NULL,
  `registered_office_po_box` VARCHAR(100) NULL,
  `registered_office_address_address_line_1` VARCHAR(100) NULL,
  `registered_office_address_address_line_2` VARCHAR(100) NULL,
  `registered_office_locality` VARCHAR(100) NULL,
  `registered_office_region` VARCHAR(100) NULL,
  `registered_office_country` VARCHAR(100) NULL,
  `registered_office_postal_code` VARCHAR(100) NULL

ALTER TABLE `chapp`.`chrecords` ADD INDEX `i_company_name` (`company_name`);
ALTER TABLE `chapp`.`chrecords` ADD INDEX `i_company_number` (`company_number`);
ALTER TABLE `chapp`.`chrecords` ADD INDEX `i_registered_office_address_address_line_1` (`registered_office_address_address_line_1`);
ALTER TABLE `chapp`.`chrecords` ADD INDEX `i_registered_office_address_address_line_2` (`registered_office_address_address_line_2`);

ALTER TABLE `chapp`.`chrecords`ADD FULLTEXT(



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2 answers

        SELECT  *
            FROM  chrecords
            WHERE  company_number = 'test' 
            ORDER BY something
            LIMIT 10
        SELECT  *
            FROM  cbrecords
            WHERE  MATCH (company_name, registered_office_address_address_line_1,
            ORDER BY something
            LIMIT 10
    ORDER BY something
    LIMIT 10



  • No need for external SELECT

  • Saying explicitly DISTINCT

    (default) or ALL

    (whichever is faster) so you know what you think of deduplication versus speed.

    without is ORDER BY

    not very significant
  • However, if you just want some lines, you can delete ORDER BYs

  • Yes, ORDER BY

    and LIMIT

    it needs to be repeated outside so that you can order the order correctly and limit to 10.

If you want OFFSET

, you need to complete in number, say LIMIT 50

5 pages, n out you need to go to the 5th page: LIMIT 40,10




Try to use UNION

instead OR


    FROM (
       SELECT  * 
        FROM chrecords 
        WHERE company_number = 'test'
    ) a
    UNION (
       SELECT * 
         FROM cbrecords
        WHERE MATCH (company_name, 
        LIMIT 0, 10
     ) b


If that helps, it's because MySQL is trying to use more than one index in one subquery. This gives the query planner two queries.

You can run EXPLAIN

on each of the subqueries separately to understand their performance. UNION

just merges your results and eliminates duplicates. If you want to keep duplicates, do UNION ALL


Note that many single column indexes on MySQL tables are usually detrimental to performance. You should refrain from creating indexes unless they are built to support specific queries.



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