Could not find method AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo

When trying to run an Android project on my Meizu MX3, I get the problem mentioned in the thread.

My logcat out:

04-23 01: 05: 01.855: I / dalvikvm (18549): Could not find method referencing method com.myapp.deviceinfo.AndroidDeviceInfo $ 04 -23 01: 05: 01.855: W / dalvikvm (18549): VFY: failed to resolve static method 14581: Lcom / google / android / gms / ads / identifier / AdvertisingIdClient; .getAdvertisingIdInfo (Landroid / content / Context;) Lcom / Google / android / gms / ad / id / AdvertisingIdClient $ Info; 04-23 01: 05: 01.855: D / dalvikvm (18549): VFY: Change opcode 0x71 to 0x0005 04-23 01: 05: 01.885: W / dalvikvm (18549): VFY: Unable to resolve exception class 2144 (Lcom / google / android / gms / common / GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException;) 04-23 01: 05: 01.885: W / dalvikvm (18549): VFY: Unable to find exception handler in addr 0xa4 04-23 01: 05: 01.885:W / dalvikvm (18549): VFY: Rejected Lcom / myapp / deviceinfo / AndroidDeviceInfo $ 1; .run () V 04-23 01: 05: 01.885: W / dalvikvm (18549): VFY: Rejected opcode 0x0d at 0x00a4 04- 23 01: 05: 01.885: W / dalvikvm (18549): VFY: rejected Lcom / myapp / deviceinfo / AndroidDeviceInfo $ 1; .run () V 04-23 01: 05: 01.885: W / dalvikvm (18549): Verifier rejected class Lcom / myapp / deviceinfo / AndroidDeviceInfo $ 1;

Any help would be appreciated.


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1 answer

It was a big problem that made me daze for a few days.

I tried all methods like editing Proguard, changing libraries, changing context, but that solved the problem: simple upgrade to newer SDK build 22.0.1; this fixed the problem.



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