$ project new field at least two fields in mongodb

As part of the aggregation pipeline, I would like to design a new field in the document that is at least two existing fields.

Below docs:

    _id: "big1",
    size: "big",
    distances: { big: 0, medium: 0.5, small: 1 }
    _id: "med1",
    size: "medium",
    distances: { big: 0.5, medium: 0, small: 0.5 }
    _id: "small1",
    size: "small",
    distances: { big: 1, medium: 0.5, small: 0 }


The "spacing" subdocument shows how far the document size is from other possible sizes.

I'm looking to accumulate sorting for documents that show how close it is to a set of parameters. If I was only looking for "large" documents, I could do this:

    {$project: {"score": "$distances.big"}}
    {$sort: {"score": 1}}


But suppose I want to sort the same for "large" or "medium" documents. I want something like:

    {$project: {"score": {$min: ["$distances.big", "$distances.medium"]}}},
    {$sort: {"score": 1}}


But that doesn't work, as $ min only works on neighboring documents in the $ group request.

Is there a way to project a value that is the minimum of the two existing fields as a sort parameter?


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1 answer

You can use the operator $cond

to perform a comparison that finds the minimum value using the operator $lt


    {$project: {score: {$cond: [
        {$lt: ['$distances.big', '$distances.medium']}, // boolean expression
        '$distances.big',   // true case
        '$distances.medium' // false case
    {$sort: {score: 1}}



        "_id" : "big1",
        "score" : 0
        "_id" : "med1",
        "score" : 0
        "_id" : "small1",
        "score" : 0.5




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