Ansible stops service but does not restart it

We recently deployed Ansible in different environments and I ran into a problem that I cannot find a solution to.

On two servers, you have to start and stop services by becoming a specific user.

su - itvmgr


Then you need to run a custom command to stop and start the services:

itvmgrctl stop dispatcher
itvmgrctl start dispatcher


One of the tasks looks like this:

- name: "Start Dispatcher Service"
  sudo_user: itvmgr
  command: su itvmgr -c '/itvmgr/bin/itvmgrctl start dispatcher'

- name: Pause
  pause: seconds=15


There is another task to stop it, which looks just like that, using stop

instead start


The problem I am facing is Ansible stops serving but does not start the service again. I don't get any errors while running, but I can't find any reason why it would stop serving, but the same command won't start it.

If anyone has any suggestions on how I can fix this problem, we would be very grateful.


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1 answer

Perhaps you are starting - the script requires an interactive shell or some environment variables?



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