Ad system tips

I create an ad system that shows the ads with the highest price more often.

Here is an example of the table structure I am using, but simplified ...

| id | name     | image                  | destination          | bid |
| 1  | abc, co  | htt.../blah            |      | 3   |
| 2  | facebook | htt.../blah            |      | 200 |
| 3  | google   | htt.../blah            |      | 78  |


Now, right now I am fetching values ​​from the database and then inserting them into an array and selecting from them at random, similar to the following:

$ads_array = [];
$ads = Ad::where("active", "=", 1)->orderBy("price", "DESC");

if ($ads->count() > 0) {
    $current = 0;
    foreach ($ads->get() as $ad) {
        for ($i = 0; $i <= ($ad->price == 0 ? 1 : $ad->price); $i++) {
            $ads_array[$current] = $ad->id;

    $random = rand(0,$current-1);
    $ad = Ad::where("id", "=", $ads_array[$random])->first();



So, in essence, this is what it inserts the ad id into an array of 1*$bid

times. This is very inefficient unfortunately (for obvious reasons), but it was the best way I could think of it.

Is there a better way to select a random ad from my database? while giving higher bidders a higher likelihood of showing up?


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1 answer

It looks like it might do the trick (but all credits go to this guy in the comments )

SELECT ads.*
FROM ads
ORDER BY -log(1.0 - rand()) /


A script to test this:

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test;', 'test', 'test');

$times = array();

// repeat a lot to have real values
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    $stmt = $pdo->query('SELECT ads.* FROM ads ORDER BY -log(1.0 - rand()) / bid LIMIT 1');
    $bid = $stmt->fetch()['bid'];
    if (isset($times[$bid])) {
        $times[$bid] += 1;
    } else {
        $times[$bid] = 1;

// echoes the number of times one bid is represented


The numbers that come to me from this test are pretty good:

// key is the bid, value is the number of times this bid is represented
array (size=3)
  200 => int 7106
  78 => int 2772
  3 => int 122


Further link to math explanation

Many important univariate distributions can be selected by inversion using simple closed-form expressions. Some of the more useful ones are listed here.

Example 4.1 (Exponential distribution). The standard exponential distribution has a density f (x) = ex on x> 0. If X has this distribution, then E (X) = 1, and we write X ~ Exp (1). Cumulative distribution function F (x) = P (X 􏰀 x) = 1 - ex, and F-1 (u) = -log (1 - u). Therefore, taking X = - log (1 - U) for U ~ U (0, 1) generates standard exponential random variables. Additional call uses X = - log (U).

The exponential distribution with the rate λ> 0 (and the mean value θ = 1 / λ) has PDF λexp (-λx) for 0 􏰀 x <∞. If X has this distribution, then we write X ~ Exp (1) / λ or equivalently X ~ θExp (1), depending on whether the problem is more naturally formulated in terms of rate λ or mean θ. We can generate X by taking X = - log (1 - U) / λ.

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