Don't find documents using golang mgo with partial attributes

I am trying to delete a bunch of documents that have a common attribute. This is what the document looks like:

    _id : {
        attr1 : 'foo',
        attr2 : 'bar'
    attr3 : 'baz',


More than one document will have the same "foo" value in the attr1 entry. I am trying to remove all of them. For this I have something similar to this:

type DocId struct {
    Attr1 string `bson:"attr1,omitempty"`
    Attr2 string `bson:"attr2,omitempty"`

type Doc struct {
    Id DocId `bson:"_id,omitempty"`
    Attr3 string `bson:"attr3,omitempty"`

doc := Doc{
    Id : DocId{ Attr1 : 'foo' },

collection := session.DB("db").C("collection")


The problem is I am getting an error Not found

in the call to remove. Do you see something strange in the code?

Thank you so much!


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1 answer

This is just a consequence of how MongoDB handles exact and partial matches. It can be quickly demonstrated with a mango shell:

# Here are my documents
{ "_id" : { "attr1" : "one", "attr2" : "two" }, "attr3" : "three" }
{ "_id" : { "attr1" : "four", "attr2" : "five" }, "attr3" : "six" }
{ "_id" : { "attr1" : "seven", "attr2" : "eight" }, "attr3" : "nine" }

# Test an exact match: it works fine
{ "_id" : { "attr1" : "one", "attr2" : "two" }, "attr3" : "three" }

# Now let remove attr2 from the query: nothing matches anymore,
# because MongoDB still thinks the query requires an exact match
... nothing returns ...

# And this is the proper way to query with a partial match: it now works fine.
{ "_id" : { "attr1" : "one", "attr2" : "two" }, "attr3" : "three" }


You can find more information on this topic in the documentation .

In your Go program, I suggest using the following line:

err = collection.Remove(bson.M{"_id.attr1": "foo"})


Don't forget to check for errors after every return to MongoDB.



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