How to run Google Map API V2 based on genymotion

I have applied android app with google map using v2. I tested the app on a real device. it works fine, but i want to test it on genymotion too. How can i do this?


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4 answers

You need to follow the directions posted on this forum:

long story short Genymotion emulators lack the set of libraries that real devices have. For example, for many functions nowadays (for example, functions related to Google Maps Api) you need to have libraries to play on Google. The same rule applies to all other third-party avits, for example. Facebook SDK. Some people on the forum (link above) have created libraries like this, which you install on your Genymotion emulator by just drag and drop.

Hope it helps.



you need to download gapps from below link and drag and drop to emulator.



As others have pointed out, you need to download the Google Apps and drag and drop the downloaded ZIP code onto your emulator. Perhaps the best place to download is the project . Lots of options out there too.



Genymotion emulators lack a set of libraries that exist on real devices. For example, for many functions nowadays (for example, functions related to Google Maps Api) you need to have libraries to play on Google. The same rule applies to all other third-party avits, for example. Facebook SDK. Some people on the forum (link above) have created libraries like this, which you install on your Genymotion emulator by just drag and drop.



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