AngularJS: ng-repeat with unique values ​​in a specific method

I have one object like this

$scope.listvalues = [{ name:A, id:101 },

                     { name:B, id:102 },

                     { name:A, id:103 },

                     { name:C, id:101 },

                     { name:A, id:102 },

                     { name:B, id:103 }];


I need to print this object in the following structure

name |101 | 102 |103 |
 A   |YES | YES |YES |
 B   |No  | YES |YES |
 C   |YES |  NO |NO  |


Here I need to print the name "A" in unique and also indicate that A is available for Id. Can I do with angular ng-repeat ?. Anyone please suggest ...


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3 answers

You can, but you have to write a filter that changes the structure of your data to the following:

$ = [
    {A: {'101': true, '102': true, '103': true}}, 
    {B: {'101': false, ...}},
    {C: ...}


And then you can write the table like this:

       <th ng-repeat="(column, value) in data[0]">{{column}}</th>
     <tr ng-repeat="row in data">
       <td ng-repeat="(column, value) in data[0]">{{row[column] ? 'Yes' : 'No'}}</td>


Filter example:

yourModule.filter('makeNgRepeatable', function(){
    return function(oldStructure) {
       // Add code here to convert oldStructure to newStructure.
       return newStructure;


In your controller, enter makeNgRepeatableFilter

and do

$ = makeNgRepeatableFilter([{ name:A, id:101 }, ...]);




You can wrap it up into a table and then resolve with multiple ng-repeat

for which the cell is YES or NO.

Take a look at this plnkr, it demonstrates how this can be achieved.

First, you collect all the IDs and names.

$scope.names = ${return}).unique();
$scope.ids = ${return}).unique();


Note. In plnkr, I have defined functions unique

and contains

. If you use some other libraries like underscore, these functions may already be present.

Then you define a function to determine if a particular cell should be true or false.

  $scope.hasValue = function(name, id)  {
    for(var i = 0; i < $scope.listvalues.length; ++i)
      if($scope.listvalues[i].name === name && $scope.listvalues[i].id === id)
        return true;
    return false;


However, it would be easier if you could convert yours listvalues

to a sane structure. This will prevent some costs.



With your array structure, you may need additional helper array / objects. In your case, it might look like this:

<table class="table table-bordered">
            <th ng-repeat="th in values">{{th}}</th>
        <tr ng-repeat="obj in names">
            <td>{{obj.ids.indexOf(values[0]) > -1 ? 'YES' : 'NO'}}</td>
            <td>{{obj.ids.indexOf(values[1]) > -1 ? 'YES' : 'NO'}}</td>
            <td>{{obj.ids.indexOf(values[2]) > -1 ? 'YES' : 'NO'}}</td>


where auxiliary objects are built as follows:

function initData() {

    var map = {values: {}, names: {}},
        values = [],
        names = [];

    $scope.listvalues.forEach(function(obj) {
        if (!map.values[]) {
            map.values[] = true;

        if (!map.names[]) {
            obj.ids = [];
            map.names[] = obj;
        else {

    $scope.values = values;
    $scope.names = names;






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