Reading 2 bytes the right way

I have a sensor that supplies its 16 bits like this: 1. MSB 2. LSB:

Values ​​are in this range:

0xffff ===> -32767   MIN 
0x8000 ====> -1 LSB say -1 
0x0000 ====> +1 LSB say 1 
0x7FFF ====> 32767 MAX 


I am trying to display these values ​​in a readable way. To do this, I wrote this little program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(){
  char msbyte =0x7f;
  char lsbyte = 0xff;
  int16_t temp=0;
  temp = (msbyte<<8) | lsbyte;
  printf(" %4x temp %d ", temp,temp);

  return 0 ;



the result I am getting is weird:

ffffffff temp -1

I expected the result to be:

7fff temp 32767

What am I doing wrong?


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3 answers

Use the following:

uint8_t msbyte =0x7f;
uint8_t lsbyte = 0xff;


If char

behaves as signed char

in your implementation, lsbyte while oring expands the sign bit and the result may be unexpected. To solve the problem, you must use unsigned char


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Regardless of this path, the output range will be:

0xffff ===> -1 
0x8000 ====> -32768
0x0000 ====> +1 LSB say 1 
0x7FFF ====> 32767 MAX 


If you really want the range as you pointed out, follow these steps: (Save msbyte and lsbyte unsigned


int16_t num16=0;
temp = (msbyte<<8) | lsbyte;
num16 = (int16_t)(temp & 0x7FFF);  /* Get the number */
if(temp & 0x8000) { /* Get sign bit */
  num16 = num16 * -1 - 1;


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char msbyte =0x7f;
char lsbyte = 0xff;



unsigned char msbyte =0x7f;
unsigned char lsbyte = 0xff;



is a signed type in your implementation and undergoes sign expansion when promoted to int


Also change:

printf(" %4x temp %d ", temp,temp);



printf(" %4x temp %d ", (uint16_t) temp,temp);


to avoid signed expansion if temp




As mentioned, your problem is that the most significant bit is being used as the sign bit.

You can avoid this by using:

uint8_t msbyte =0x7f;
uint8_t lsbyte = 0xff;
uint16_t temp=0;


Also, I find using the AVR type defs , Short tutorial useful when handling inline / device data.

For example, define:

typedef unsigned char BYTE
typedef unsigned int WORD


and use BYTE and WORD in your code.



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