How do I execute a method in Spring when the Server is ready?

I have the following problem, I am using Spring-Boot for a small private web project and I want Spring to call the web service when it starts. And at startup, I mean "when my application is ready to process requests."

I already tried implementing ApplicationListener < ContextRefreshedEvent >, but it didn't work because the event happened earlier (i.e. before the embedded server was ready to process the request). Also the options mentioned in this question do not solve this problem.

Now my question is, is there a way to tell Spring to do something after the server is shut down and ready to handle requests?

EDIT (in response to Daniel's answer):

The problem is that I need some injected properties to make this webservice call, and since Spring does not work on static values, this approach is not an option.

My listener, which does what I want, looks something like this too early:

public class StartupListener implements ApplicationListener{

    private URLProvider urlProvider;
    private int port;
    private String projectName;

    public final void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
        RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate();
        String url = uriProvider.getWebserviceUrl(this.projectName);
        template.put(url, null);




Although this question solves a very similar problem, it seems that I cannot insert into an object because it must have a form constructor (org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication, [Ljava.lang.String;).

It would also be advisable to solve this problem by not creating a spring.factories file, but using annotations.


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2 answers

If I understand what your problem is, you can call the web service on your main application right after it starts.

public static void main(String[] args) {

        new SpringApplication(Application.class).run(args);
        //call the webservice for you to handle...


I'm not sure if this is what you want ...



You can use annotation in your component @PostConstruct

. eg.

public class StartupListener {

    private URLProvider urlProvider;
    private int port;
    private String projectName;

    public final void init() {
        RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate();
        String url = uriProvider.getWebserviceUrl(this.projectName);
        template.put(url, null);



This will fire after the bean is initialized and auto-setup is done.



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