Serializing Derived Type Properties from Base Type Collection Using NewtonSoft Json.NET

Update: Allowed! Json.NET seems to include properties of the derived type by default, but they were not included due to a bug in my code where the derived type was overwritten by the base type.

I am currently working on a project for a school and I stumbled upon a problem.

I need to serialize a Json object that I am using with Newtonsoft Json.NET. The object I am trying to serialize has a list of objects of a specific base class, but the objects in that list have derived types with their own unique properties.

Currently, only base class properties are included in the resulting Json. If possible, I would like the Json converter to detect which derived class is an object in the collection and serialize their unique properties.

Below is some code as an example of what I am doing.

The classes I am using:

public class WrappingClass
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<BaseClass> MyCollection { get; set; }

public class BaseClass
    public string MyProperty { get; set; }

public class DerivedClassA : BaseClass
    public string AnotherPropertyA { get; set; }

public class DerivedClassB : BaseClass
    public string AnotherPropertyB { get; set; }


Serializing some mock objects:

WrappingClass wrapperObject = new WrappingClass
    Name = "Test name",
    MyCollection = new List<BaseClass>();

DerivedClassA derivedObjectA = new DerivedClassA
    MyProperty = "Test my MyProperty A"
    AnotherPropertyA = "Test AnotherPropertyA"

DerivedClassB derivedObjectB = new DerivedClassB
    MyProperty = "Test my MyProperty B"
    AnotherPropertyB = "Test AnotherPropertyB"


var myJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wrapperObject);


Json that will currently be generated:

{"Name":"Test name","MyCollection":[{"MyProperty":"Test my MyProperty A"}{"MyProperty":"Test my MyProperty B"}]}


Json I want:

{"Name":"Test name","MyCollection":[{"MyProperty":"Test my MyProperty A","AnotherPropertyA":"Test AnotherPropertyA"},{"MyProperty":"Test my MyProperty B","AnotherPropertyB":"Test AnotherPropertyB"}]}


Any ideas? Thank!


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2 answers

The default json.NET behavior is to include all properties in derived types. The only reason you won't get them is if you have defined [DataContract]

in a base type that you have not propagated to your derived types, or if you have something like optin serialization ect.



Decorate the properties with the Ignore attribute if you don't want them to be serialized like

public class DerivedClassA : BaseClass
    public string AnotherPropertyA { get; set; }

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