Hapi route joi password confirmation confirmation

How can I check that the password and password_confirmation are the same?

var Joi = require('joi'),
S = Joi.string().required().min(3).max(15);
exports.create = {
   payload: {
            username: S,
            email: Joi.string().email(),
            password: S,
            password_confirmation:  S



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2 answers

You can use Joi.any().valid()

with Joi.ref()


password: Joi.string().min(3).max(15).required(),
password_confirmation: Joi.any().valid(Joi.ref('password')).required().options({ language: { any: { allowOnly: 'must match password' } } })




I have to resurrect this thread because I tried the code above and the validation error worked even though the password and password confirmation match.

I spent several hours trying several approaches but still no luck, the check still runs, e.g .:

password: Joi.string (). min (5) .required (), password Confirmation: Joi.ref ("password")

Here is my state facility:

data: {…} email: "" password: "12345" passwordConfirmation: "12345" username: "" error: {…} passwordConfirmation: "\" passwordConfirmation \ "must be one of [ref: password]"

I have other validations on this form and they are working fine.



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