How do I set the image resolution?

I am using Seesaw to interact with Swing.

I have some icons defined this way:

(def label :icon 
           ( "some_image.png"))


I want to render "some_image.png" in a different resolution. If I just set the borders, I only get part of the image.

How can I achieve this?


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1 answer

you can do this by going downstairs in Swing. basically, manipulate the file like a Swing Image. if you have the size you want, Seesaw's capabilities icon

are flexible in terms of what can be passed (see ); you can pass Swing Image to a function label


(defn imagetest []
  (let [w (frame :title "Image Test" :width 400 :height 400)
        img (.getScaledInstance 
                (io/resource "racecar.gif")) 400 400 1)
        lbl (label :icon img)
        pnl (horizontal-panel :items [lbl])]
    (config! w :content pnl)
    (show! w)))


Note: 1

which I pass as the final arg for .getScaledInstance

for the flag SCALE_DEFAULT

; more details here:



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