Avoiding the dreaded use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) Or string error when passing hashes as an argument

I have something like this:

do_something({ key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2'});

sub do_something {
  $args = $_[0];
  print $$args{key1} . $$args{key2} . $$args{key3};


This produces an annoying error Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string

because I haven't added the third key.

I'm lazy. So I don't want to add the third key to the hash. I'm fine, not printing anything for the third key in the function.

But I'm anal. I want to get rid of the error like this:

sub do_something {
  $args = $_[0];
  $third_key = $$args{key3} ? $$args{key3} : '';
  print $$args{key1} . $$args{key2} . $$args{key3};


However, I'm super ultra lazy. I don't want to write a line like this for every parameter that can be empty.

Is there an easy solution for this?


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5 answers

print join '', map $args->{$_}, keys %$args;



sub do_something {
  my %defaults = (
    key3 => ''

  my $args = $_[0];
  # overlay defaults, this will modify the data structure in the caller
  $args->{$_} ||= $defaults{$_}
    foreach keys %defaults;

  print $args->{key1} . $args->{key2} . $args->{key3};




You asked Perl to warn you about this when you wrote

use warnings;


So you have a choice (smallest to safest):

  • Delete use warnings

    so that no warnings are issued. The disadvantage is that no warnings will be issued, which will make it difficult to debug.

  • Remove warning for uninitialized variables. This can be achieved with: no warnings qw(uninitialized);

    Put this after you tell it to enable alerts and you only disable one alert.

  • Remove warning for uninitialized variables in the smallest possible scope. By placing the no warnions command in a smaller lexical scope, you can localize warning suppression only in places where you expect uninitialized variables to print, to help you catch errors elsewhere.

This last option can be accomplished with the following code.

do_something({ key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2'});

sub do_something {
    no warnings qw(uninitialized);
    $args = $_[0];
    print $$args{key1} . $$args{key2} . $$args{key3};




If you have Perl 5.10 or higher, use boolean defined or operator ( //

) to allow defaults:

sub do_something {
  $args = $_[0];
  print $args->{key1} . $args->{key2} . ($args->{key3} // "");




Instead of passing a hash reference, just pass the hash values ​​and use Perl's canonical method for default values ​​for named arguments:

do_something(key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2');

sub do_something {
    my %args = (key1 => '',
                key2 => '',
                key3 => '',

    print $args{key1} . $args{key2} . $args{key3};




OK, here's what I came up with, borrowing heavily from mwp's suggestion to use the default hash.

my $args = arg_init($_[0], {default1 => value1, defaults2 => value2}, 'value4', 'value5', 'value6');

sub arg_init {
  my $args = shift; # $args is a hashref of arguments
  set_default_args($args, shift) if ref($_[0]);
  while (my $arg = shift) {
    $$args{$arg} = exists $$args{$arg} ? $$args{$arg} : '';
return $args;

sub set_default_args {
  my ($args, $defaults) = @_;
  $args->{$_} ||= $$defaults{$_}
    foreach keys %$defaults;


The arg_init function is called to initialize the arguments passed to the hash. First, it sees if the default hash is a hash link and, if so, sets the default values ​​given in the hash link. It then looks at the scalar values ​​passed to the function and sets those values ​​to the empty string if they don't exist in the original hash argument.



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