How to set nested states within multiple views using UI-Router

I have two views at the root, for example the following

<div ui-view='nav'></div>
<div ui-view='map'></div>


and inside the map template I have another view that I want to insert into it.

<div ui-view="data" ></div>


The state configuration will look like below

    .state('base', {
        url: "/route1",
        views: {
            templateUrl : 'nav.html',
            templateUrl: 'map.html'
      .state('base.list', {
            templateUrl: "data.html"



Plunkr like this

But it doesn't work. Can anyone help with this?


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1 answer

You just miss the state, transition to a child state. For example, for example:

<a ui-sref="base.list">Go to base.list state</a>


Modified plunker here



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