How to rewrite grammar to eliminate shift-shortening conflict (in Haskell Happy parser)

I am trying to define a grammar for methods (java like) using Happy LALR Parser Generator

  1.  MD ::= some_prefix { list(VD) list(S) }
  2.  VD ::= T I
  3.  S ::= I = E | I [ E ] = E | etc...
  4.  T ::= I | byte | int | etc...
  5.  E ::= INT | E + E | etc...



  • MD: Method Declaration
  • VD: Variable declaration
  • S: Statement
  • T: Enter
  • I: Identifier
  • E: expression

All other tokens are terminals.

Inside the method, variable declarations are executed at the top, and after that, the declarations.

As you can see, VD can start with I, as there can be variable declarations of type class, where type is an identifier (I). The statement can also be started from i due to variable assignments and the variable name is I The problem is that VD and S can start with I. So in the first release it causes a shift / decrease conflict.

Is there a way to rewrite the grammar or any other parser generator tricks to solve this problem?

I have specified associativity and precedence for operators. I only mentioned a minimal set of information to explain the problem. Let me know if you need more information.


Below is the grammar file

module Issue where
import Lexer

%name parser
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }

  ';'         { TokenSemi }
  id          { TokenId $$ }
  '{'         { TokenLBrace }
  '}'         { TokenRBrace }
  public      { TokenPublickw }
  '('         { TokenLParen }
  ')'         { TokenRParen }
  int         { TokenInt $$ }
  plus        { TokenPlus }
  inttype     { TokenIntkw }
  '='         { TokenAssign }

-- Precedence and associativity. Reference:
%right '='
%left plus


MethodDecl :
  public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}'
  { MethodDecl $2 (VarList $6) (BlockStatement $7) }

DataType :
  { DataType TypeInt }
  | id
  { DataType (TypeClass $1) }

VarDecl :
    DataType id ';'
  { VarDecl $1 $2 }

Statement :
  id '=' Expression ';'
  { Assignment $1 $3 }

Expression :
  { IntLiteral $1 }

  | Expression plus Expression
  { PlusExp $1 $3 }


list1(p) :
  { [$1] }
  | p list1(p)
  { $1 : $2 }

list(p) :
  { $1 }
  | -- epsilon
  { [] }

data AST =  Goal AST [AST]
          | BlockStatement [AST]
          | IntLiteral Int
          | PlusExp AST AST
          | MethodDecl String AST AST
          | DataType MJType
          | Identifier String
          | VarList [AST]
          | VarDecl AST String
          | Assignment String AST
          deriving Show

data MJType = TypeInt
      | TypeUnknown
      | TypeClass String
      deriving (Show,Eq)

parseError :: [Token] -> a
parseError (t:ts) = error ("Parser Error: " ++ (show t))


.info generated by batch Happy with details of conflicts and shift-shift states.

Info file generated by Happy Version 1.19.4 from issue.y

state 7 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
state 9 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.

    %start_parser -> MethodDecl                        (0)
    MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}'   (1)
    DataType -> inttype                                (2)
    DataType -> id                                     (3)
    VarDecl -> DataType id ';'                         (4)
    Statement -> id '=' Expression ';'                 (5)
    Expression -> int                                  (6)
    Expression -> Expression plus Expression           (7)
    list(Statement) -> list1(Statement)                (8)
    list(Statement) ->                                 (9)
    list(VarDecl) -> list1(VarDecl)                    (10)
    list(VarDecl) ->                                   (11)
    list1(Statement) -> Statement                      (12)
    list1(Statement) -> Statement list1(Statement)     (13)
    list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl                          (14)
    list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl list1(VarDecl)           (15)

    ';'            { TokenSemi }
    id             { TokenId $$ }
    '{'            { TokenLBrace }
    '}'            { TokenRBrace }
    public         { TokenPublickw }
    '('            { TokenLParen }
    ')'            { TokenRParen }
    int            { TokenInt $$ }
    plus           { TokenPlus }
    inttype        { TokenIntkw }
    '='            { TokenAssign }

    %start_parser   rule  0
    MethodDecl      rule  1
    DataType        rules 2, 3
    VarDecl         rule  4
    Statement       rule  5
    Expression      rules 6, 7
    list(Statement) rules 8, 9
    list(VarDecl)   rules 10, 11
    list1(Statement) rules 12, 13
    list1(VarDecl)  rules 14, 15

State 0

    public         shift, and enter state 2

    MethodDecl     goto state 3

State 1

    public         shift, and enter state 2

State 2

    MethodDecl -> public . id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}'    (rule 1)

    id             shift, and enter state 4

State 3

    %start_parser -> MethodDecl .                       (rule 0)

    %eof           accept

State 4

    MethodDecl -> public id . '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}'    (rule 1)

    '('            shift, and enter state 5

State 5

    MethodDecl -> public id '(' . ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}'    (rule 1)

    ')'            shift, and enter state 6

State 6

    MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' . '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}'    (rule 1)

    '{'            shift, and enter state 7

State 7

    MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' . list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}'    (rule 1)

    id             shift, and enter state 12
            (reduce using rule 11)

    '}'            reduce using rule 11
    inttype        shift, and enter state 13

    DataType       goto state 8
    VarDecl        goto state 9
    list(VarDecl)  goto state 10
    list1(VarDecl) goto state 11

State 8

    VarDecl -> DataType . id ';'                        (rule 4)

    id             shift, and enter state 19

State 9

    list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl .                         (rule 14)
    list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl . list1(VarDecl)          (rule 15)

    id             shift, and enter state 12
            (reduce using rule 14)

    '}'            reduce using rule 14
    inttype        shift, and enter state 13

    DataType       goto state 8
    VarDecl        goto state 9
    list1(VarDecl) goto state 18

State 10

    MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) . list(Statement) '}'    (rule 1)

    id             shift, and enter state 17
    '}'            reduce using rule 9

    Statement      goto state 14
    list(Statement)goto state 15
    list1(Statement)goto state 16

State 11

    list(VarDecl) -> list1(VarDecl) .                   (rule 10)

    id             reduce using rule 10
    '}'            reduce using rule 10

State 12

    DataType -> id .                                    (rule 3)

    id             reduce using rule 3

State 13

    DataType -> inttype .                               (rule 2)

    id             reduce using rule 2

State 14

    list1(Statement) -> Statement .                     (rule 12)
    list1(Statement) -> Statement . list1(Statement)    (rule 13)

    id             shift, and enter state 17
    '}'            reduce using rule 12

    Statement      goto state 14
    list1(Statement)goto state 23

State 15

    MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) . '}'    (rule 1)

    '}'            shift, and enter state 22

State 16

    list(Statement) -> list1(Statement) .               (rule 8)

    '}'            reduce using rule 8

State 17

    Statement -> id . '=' Expression ';'                (rule 5)

    '='            shift, and enter state 21

State 18

    list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl list1(VarDecl) .          (rule 15)

    id             reduce using rule 15
    '}'            reduce using rule 15

State 19

    VarDecl -> DataType id . ';'                        (rule 4)

    ';'            shift, and enter state 20

State 20

    VarDecl -> DataType id ';' .                        (rule 4)

    id             reduce using rule 4
    '}'            reduce using rule 4
    inttype        reduce using rule 4

State 21

    Statement -> id '=' . Expression ';'                (rule 5)

    int            shift, and enter state 25

    Expression     goto state 24

State 22

    MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}' .    (rule 1)

    %eof           reduce using rule 1

State 23

    list1(Statement) -> Statement list1(Statement) .    (rule 13)

    '}'            reduce using rule 13

State 24

    Statement -> id '=' Expression . ';'                (rule 5)
    Expression -> Expression . plus Expression          (rule 7)

    ';'            shift, and enter state 26
    plus           shift, and enter state 27

State 25

    Expression -> int .                                 (rule 6)

    ';'            reduce using rule 6
    plus           reduce using rule 6

State 26

    Statement -> id '=' Expression ';' .                (rule 5)

    id             reduce using rule 5
    '}'            reduce using rule 5

State 27

    Expression -> Expression plus . Expression          (rule 7)

    int            shift, and enter state 25

    Expression     goto state 28

State 28

    Expression -> Expression . plus Expression          (rule 7)
    Expression -> Expression plus Expression .          (rule 7)

    ';'            reduce using rule 7
    plus           reduce using rule 7

Grammar Totals
Number of rules: 16
Number of terminals: 11
Number of non-terminals: 10
Number of states: 29



source to share

2 answers

I found a solution. Instead of using two different lists

list(VarDecl) list(Statement)


use one list



Below is the definition ordered_lists


--A list of p followed by a list of q, where each list can be an empty list
ordered_lists(p,q) :
  { $1 }
  | -- epsilon
  { ([], []) }

--This list should contain atleast one of p or q. A list of p followed by a
--list of q, where at most one list can be an empty list
ordered_lists1(p,q) :
  { ([$1], [])  }
  | q
  { ([], [$1])  }
  | p ordered_lists1(p,q)
  { ($1:fst($2), snd($2))  }
  | q list1(q)
  { ([], $1 : $2) }


The definition is list1

available in the question description. Please feel free to post a better answer.



At first glance, it seems like the conflict with decreasing shift might be an expression of grammar in 5.

Check out the grammar 2.3 Using Preprints in the Happy Manual. You can also use the classic approach:

E => E + T | T
T => T * F | F
F => INT | ( E )




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