Iframe tag not working in latest Ionic

I followed this tutorial for Ionic framework to learn how to create an app: https://thinkster.io/ionic-framework-tutorial/ and it worked great.

Then I started adding features like iframe tag page and it worked in android emulator too. But when I started building my own app from scratch the iframe only works if you run the app with ionic serve --lab it doesn't work in emulator or real android device.

The main differences between my app and the tutorial example are that the tutorial is built with Ionic v1.0.0-beta.14 (and I think Apache Ant) and my app is built with Ionic v1.0.0-rc.4

Is there a way to fix this?

Here's the code, very simple:

<ion-view view-title="Detalles de mensaje" class="detallesWV-page">
  <ion-nav-buttons side="right">
   <button class="button button-icon icon ion-navicon-round" ng-click="openPopover($event)">

  <ion-content scroll="false">

      <iframe src="http://www.cnn.com/" height="400px" width="350px"></iframe>

    <div class="row">
      <div class="col">
        <button class="button button-assertive" ng-class="" ng-click="openPage()">
          {{ 'NO SE MUESTRA CONTENIDO' }}




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1 answer

I just started using Ionic and had the same problem - iFrames working in browser preview, but nowhere else. I followed the answer in this SO post and they work now.

Whitelisting functionality should be added to the application, achieved by running in the project directory.ionic plugin add https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-whitelist.git

You may also want to whitelist the external sites you link to. For example:

.config(function ($sceDelegateProvider) {
    $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist(['self', 'http://www.cnn.com/']);




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