Generic lisp "overloading" of built-in functions in a portable and efficient way?

For example, if I want to define new arithmetic operations for vectors or quaternions, etc. I did something like (defun v+ (&rest vectors) ...)


Is there a good way to overload the normal one +

? (I only know shadow-import, which doesn't seem to be the best solution)

And if I use +

it will take longer to determine the type of operation.

Is this better than overloading and using different function names and defining a new function only when needed?


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1 answer

What you probably want to do is define a package (name it my-math

) where you define a character my-math:+

that makes whatever dispatch you want.

Alternatively, define my-math:+

it efficiently (reduce #'my-math:binary+ args)

and then define it my-math:binary+

as a generic function that you can then insert into certain methods.

This takes extra discipline when writing the package definition (s) based on my-math

, as you need to do your best to keep your unpainted +

from my-math

, not, cl

and it might make the code more difficult for another person to read.



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