Meteor: "ReferenceError: fs not defined"

Losing my mind with this ...

Getting "fs not defined" on meteor when trying to read a file:

var data = fs.readFileSync(filepathHidden);


I have this package: cfs:filesystem 0.1.2


The funny thing is that if I write in the fs meteor shell it prints the object and seems to have a lot of functionality, etc. But the point here is that after writing fs in the meteor shell, my code starts working !? And if I close the meteor server and then start it again, my server code jerks until I run fs in the meteor shell ...

Can someone please explain what's going on in this case? And how do I achieve the same in my code.


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1 answer

You just need to download it via npm

. In a meteor that looks like this:

var fs = Npm.require('fs');
var data = fs.readFileSync(filepathHidden);




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