How to call server side method from JS

I've read a lot of questions, forums, blogs, tried a lot of things and I just can't get it to work.

I tried using PageMethods.MyMethod()

and it didn't work. I'm sure mine ScriptManager

had EnablePageMethods ="true"

and still nothing. I have a server side breakpoint and it never hits. Tried using ajax and nothing else

First of all I am trying to figure out how to make it work and then implement it in my program.

This is what I have tried so far:

server side:

    public static void SomeMethod(string subject, string body, string recipients, string CurrentUserId)
        MessageBox.Show("In c#");



function SomeFuntion()
        debugger; alert("Before web service");

        //PageMethods.CreateDraft(var1, var2, var3, var4);

                    type: "POST",
                    url: "NewMessage.aspx/SomeMethod",
                    data: "{subject:'" + var1+ "', body:'" + var2+ "', recipients:'" + var3
                        + "', CurrentUserId:'" + var4+ "'}",
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    dataType: "json",
                            alert("In ajax");


As you can see, I tried PageMethods

it and it didn't work. I know the function is being triggered because I see a warning message. By the way, the function is called when the event is onclick

triggered by the button. I am not getting any errors or hitting a breakpoint on MessageBox

. This is new to me, so any explanation would be very helpful.


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2 answers

Check for errors on the server:

function SomeFuntion()

            type: "POST",
            url: "NewMessage.aspx/CreateDraft",
            data: "{subject:'" + var1+ "', body:'" + var2+ "', recipients:'" + var3+ "', CurrentUserId:'" + var4+ "'}",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            dataType: "json",
            beforeSend:function () 
                 alert("about to send request");
            success: function()
                        alert("In ajax");
            error: function(xhr, status, error) 
                   var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");


additional additions Since you are telling me that you are getting "HTTP POST HTTP address used to access path" ... "is not allowed" , you may need configuration to enable .NET web service for HTTP POST requests.

I lost .NET a few years ago and so I have no direct experience, but from what I could find on other sites, you might need to configure at the server level, like this:

       <add name="HttpPost"/>


Or directives above your method like

[ScriptMethod(UseHttpPost = true)]
public string SomeMethod()




I was able to figure it out with the help of a friend, I would post my answer, but I find it quite long and complex. I understood most of what he did, but I still didn't believe how it worked. It was pretty much the same as me, but he did the JS in a separate file and set that file as base JS. Called a web service there and from my JS it called this function which calls the web service. And it worked lol



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