Listing Host Structure array into table

I'm trying to tweak a piece of big code written in Pro * C, specifically the bottleneck loop and the statement UPDATE

inside it. for loop

goes through the "Host Structure" array which can contain several thousand times in millions of records and the update is done too many times. The update can be done most often during the entire program, but it will require a radical change in the code, and I am not entitled to make major changes.

So I have something like this

#define NULL_REF_NO   10
#define NULL_ERR      256
struct s_errors
  char s_ref_id        [NULL_REF_NO];
  char s_ref_seq_no    [NULL_REF_NO];
  char s_err_msg       [NULL_ERR];
struct s_errors *ps_errors = NULL;
/*The part below happens throughout the program to collect all errors*/
/*ls_ref_id, ls_ref_seq_no, and ls_err_msg are local variables of same data type. and i_curr_index is the array index variable*/

strcpy(ls_ref_id, ps_errors[i_curr_index].s_ref_id);
strcpy(ls_ref_seq_no, ps_errors[i_curr_index].s_ref_seq_no);
strcpy(ls_err_msg, ps_errors[i_curr_index].s_err_msg);

/* At this point ps_error contains thousands or even millions of rows*/
/* The final part is to update all these rows back to the table like below*/
 /* pl_err_count is a Global var which keeps track of the total number of records in the host structure array*/

 int i_curr_index = 0;
 char l_ref_id        [NULL_REF_NO];
 char l_ref_seq_no    [NULL_REF_NO];
 char l_err_msg       [NULL_ERR];

 for(i_curr_index = 0; i_curr_index < pl_err_count; i_curr_index++)
  strcpy(l_ref_id, ps_errors[i_curr_index].s_ref_id);
  strcpy(l_ref_seq_no, ps_errors[i_curr_index].s_ref_seq_no);
  strcpy(l_err_msg, ps_errors[i_curr_index].s_err_msg);

   UPDATE some_table
   SET status       = 'E',
       error_message = :l_err_msg 
   WHERE ref_id = :l_ref_id
   AND ref_seq_no   = :l_ref_seq_no;

      sprintf(err_data, "Updation failed with sql errors ");
      strcpy(table, "some_table");


The bottleneck is the for loop above (and this is the last step in the program) that alternates too many times, making the program run for a long time. I was wondering if there is a way to CAST

host a Host Structure array ps_errors

for an Oracle table type so that I can easily do bulkier UPDATE

or even do MERGE

with some parallel DML without having to iterate over every record.


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2 answers

Extrapolating from some other code I've seen at work that does something similar, you can do something like this instead of a loop for


EXEC SQL for :pl_err_count
UPDATE some_table
   SET status        = 'E',
       error_message = :ps_errors.s_err_msg 
 WHERE ref_id        = :ps_errors.s_ref_id
   AND ref_seq_no    = :ps_errors.s_ref_seq_no;


This may depend on the content added to ps_errors

the null-terminated. Given the use strcpy()

in existing code and not strncpy()

(or similar), I am assuming they are already there.

If it s_err_msg

can be zero, you should also consider using indicator variables . eg.

       error_message = :ps_errors.s_err_msg INDICATOR :indicator_variable




You can use array update but you will need to modify your array of structures ps_errors

as structure arrays


  UPDATE some_table
     SET status        = 'E',
         error_message = :ps_errors.s_err_msg 
   WHERE ref_id        = :ps_errors.s_ref_id
     AND ref_seq_no    = :ps_errors.s_ref_seq_no;




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