Coldfusion 9 Hash Binary SHA-256

I have a problem with hashing binary data. I need to get SHA-256 Hash of a PDF file located on the server. I do it like this:

<cfset t01= getTickCount()>

<cfset t02= getTickCount()>

    <cfdump var="#inv.Filecontent#" />
    CFHTTP: #t02 - t01# ms


imageBinary = inv.Filecontent;
function hashBytes( bytes ){

    // Get our instance of the digest algorithm that we'll use
    // to hash the byte array.
    var messageDigest = createObject( "java", "" ).getInstance("SHA-256");

    // Get the digest for the given byte array. This returns the
    // digest in byte-array format.
    var digest = messageDigest.digest( bytes );

    // Now that we have our digested byte array (as another byte
    // array), we have to convert that into a HEX string. For
    // this, we'll need a HEX buffer.
    var hexBuffer = [];

    // Each integer in the byte digest needs to be converted into
    // a HEX character (with possible leading zero).
    for (i = 1 ; i <= arrayLen( bytes ) ; i++){

        // Get only the last 8-bits of the integer.
        var tail = bitAnd( 255, bytes[i] );

        // Get the hex-encoding of the byte.
        var hex = ucase( formatBaseN( tail, 16 ) );

        // In order to make sure that all of the HEX characters
        // are two-digits, we have to prepend a zero for any
        // value that was originall LTE to 16 - the largest value
        // that won't result in two HEX characters.
            (tail <= 16 ? ("0" & hex) : hex)


    // Return the flattened character buffer.
    return( arrayToList( hexBuffer, "" ) );


imageHash = hashBytes( imageBinary );

// Create an instance of our DigestUtils class - this class
// simplifies some of the operations we just saw in the
// MessageDigest class above, turning them into simple,
// one-line calls.

writeOutput( "Fingerprint:SHA " & imageHash );


The function hashBytes

belongs to Ben Nadel. The way out of this function is a huge mess of 53,760 characters. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

I also tried this:


 imageBinary = inv.Filecontent;
 digestUtils = createObject(

    // Get the hash of the byte array using our hashBytes() function
    // which dips down into the Java layer directly.
    imageHash = ucase( digestUtils.sha256Hex( imageBinary ) );

    // Output the image "fingerprint".
    writeOutput( "Fingerprint: " & imageHash );



Here I am getting the error

Sha256Hex method not found

although I have commons-codec-1.8.jar

in a folder wwwroot\WEB-INF\lib

that should contain the DigestUtils version includingsha256Hex()

Thank you so much!

Edit: I solved the problem for long character return. It was a terrible mistake. Ben Nadel's source code had this line of code for (var byte in digest){...

that doesn't work in Coldfusion 9. So I changed it to this: for (i = 1 ; i <= arrayLen( bytes ) ; i++){...

instead: for (i = 1 ; i <= arrayLen( digest ) ; i++){...

and var tail = bitAnd( 255, bytes[i] );

beforevar tail = bitAnd( 255, digest[i] );


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