Namespaces with Phalcon Models

I have a project with a team phalcon project simple --type=simple


I haven't changed the structure at all.

The part where I'm stumped is that I have two databases I'm looking at.

I want to access the Model Account for both databases A and B without doing something like $account = AAccount::find();

and $account = BAccount::find();


I currently have this code:

model /AAccount.php

class AAccount extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model {
    // use DB A


model /BAccount.php

class BAccount extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model {
    // use DB B


What's the best way? Namespaces? I cannot change the name of the Account table for both.


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1 answer

I don't know if I understand your question: do you have two tables with the same name, but they are in two different schemas (databases)? If yes, I had the same problem and I solve it with the following structure (you can see some of this code in my bauhaus project ) (see this link too: points to another schema (Phalcon - Working with the model) ):

(1) Base model class located in models/


namespace MyApp\Model;

class Base extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model
     // code for your model base class


(2) Base class for Scheme A located at models/schema-a/


namespace MyApp\Model\SchemaA;

class Base extends MyApp\Model\Base
    // ...

    // returns the name of the schema A
    public function getSchema()
        return `schema_a_name`;

    // ...


(3) Base class for scheme B, located at models/schema-b/


namespace MyApp\Model\SchemaB;

class Base extends MyApp\Model\Base
    // ...

    // returns the name of the schema B
    public function getSchema()
        return `schema_b_name`;

    // ...


(4) An account model in Schema A located in models/schema-a/


namespace MyApp\Model\SchemaA;

class Account extends Base
    // ...


(5) Account Model in Scheme B located in models/schema-b/


namespace MyApp\Model\SchemaB;

class Account extends Base
    // ...


This solution works well when you have a fixed number of circuits , but if you don't have a fixed number of circuits, I think that the best solution would be to create the logic in getSchema

the base model function. Something like:

public function getSchema()
    // this is just a suggest
    return $this->getDI()->scope->currentSchema;


Hope this helps you.

Note. You have to be careful to create relationships between namespaced models.



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